Persimmon Laser Inlay
I’m continuing to perfect the laser inlay for the new banjo that I’m building. Today I pulled an open-source persimmon flower picture from Google Images and couldn’t get it to work quite right so I redesigned it in SolidWorks , exported as a .dxf into LightBurn, then cut/engraved it with my Xtool D1 Pro laser. It turned out pretty good and I think that I like the maple inlay(the lighter one) better than the other one (not 100% sure what they wood is since I got it in an assorted pack of veneers). I used the same process as the previous truss rod cover with 3-layers of veneer glued into a plywood to make it rigid. I sanded to 1200 grit and applied my X3 homemade hardwax finish. I’m still planning to do a video on how to make it.